Quality and Why It Matters.

Here at Stafford Industrial Supplies we maintain and operate the ISO9001 Quality Management System. We obtained this valuable accreditation in 2016 and have successfully achieved re-certification ever since. We value our customers and so we work tirelessly to maintain this coveted accreditation. As part of our QMS we recently sent out a questionnaire to gauge the service levels we offer our customers. We scored an impressive 93.5% Excellent and 6.5% Above Average on our quality of service question.

The survey also reported back superb results on our response times to customer enquiries.

Our Journey to ISO9001

We had always maintained our own version of a Quality Management System, but we wanted it to qualify to an industry wide recognisable standard. So in March 2016 we decided to appoint an external consultancy firm to help with the implementation of ISO9001. We chose Quality Systems Consultancy Ltd who had been regularly recommended to us by many companies with ISO9001. A link to their website is available by clicking here.  

Together we quickly worked on a plan of implementation for all of the requirements. Based on key management principles such as; Customer Focus, Leadership, Engagement of People, Process Approach, Improvement, Evidence-based Decision Making and Relationship Management. Our scope of assessment was born; The Stockists, Distributors Of Industrial Supplies, Clothing and Safety Equipment, Janitorial Supplies and The Embellishment of Garments. 

By September 2016 we had everything in place and documented, all we needed now was to book the external audit. On December the 8th 2016 we passed the required detailed conditions and gained our ISO9001-2015 Accreditation.

The benefits of us achieving ISO9001 accreditation for our customers are:

1. Improved Quality of Service

2. Assurance of Service

3. Reduction of Complaints

4. Reduction of Returns

5. Overall Improved Satisfaction

Our customers can be confidently assured of our commitment to achieving excellence, continual improvement, our reliability, honesty and integrity, customer focus, team orientation and good communication. These also operate as our core values.


For further information on how Stafford Industrial Supplies can help you to achieve purchasing your supplies from an accredited ISO9001 company call us on 01785 252744 or leave us a message by clicking here.

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